Glympse CEO Featured in Restaurant Operator Podcast: Boost Sales With The Power of Location

Incorporating location tracking technology into your food truck business isn’t just about knowing where you are; it’s about using that information to enhance customer experience, optimize operations, and boost profits. Glympse understands that using and embracing this tech-savvy approach is key to staying ahead in the competitive food truck industry. 

Glympse CEO and president Chris Ruff was invited to talk with Bradley Cooper, editor of Food Truck Operator, about this topic; how food truck operators can utilize the power of location to generate more profits with their business.

In the podcast, Chris discusses strategies for increasing food truck profits using location-tracking technology and highlights the importance of real-time location sharing to attract more customers, improve service efficiency, and enhance customer experience. Chris also shares insights on leveraging location data to optimize routes, manage inventory, and promote through social media. 

“Most of our customers see increased sales, higher productivity, and a lift in revenue because they can broadcast their location. Plus, they aren’t wasting as much marketing dollars to do so,” said Chris Ruff of Glympse. 

For more insights and to hear particular case studies of food trucks that have successfully implemented these strategies to boost their sales and customer engagement, visit here or watch the full podcast here.
