Home / FAQ / Glympse Premium Tags / Can I use 1 Glympse Premium Tag for multiple events on the same day at the same time?

Can I use 1 Glympse Premium Tag for multiple events on the same day at the same time?

You can run a handful of events within 1 Premium Tag. When you do run all your events on one Premium Tag, this is what happens:

  • All shared events will appear on the same map (if you run all parades at the same exact time). Essentially, your residents or customers that view your shared Premium Tag will see all the shared events on one screen.
  • If you uploaded more than 1 route and want to display more than 1 route, all of them will display on the shared map.

If you plan on running 3 events on the same day at the same time, it would be visually easier when purchasing 3 Premium Tags.

Also, when you purchase 3 Premium Tags you can create different marketing per event. Let’s say 2 of the events are the same thing so you can keep them on one Premium Tag. However, let’s say another event is a trolley parade and has completely different marketing material, then purchasing an additional Premium Tag would probably be best.

Glympse’s best practice is this

  • Purchase 1 Premium Tag and test it out. See if that works for your current operations.
  • If necessary, then you can purchase additional Premium Tags.

Overall, it might be better to purchase more than 1 Premium Tag. While it is possible to share all the  event locations on 1 Premium Tag, it could be confusing to the residents or customers. Not only that, all the routes will display at the same time on the screen. If you purchase more than 1 Premium Tag, you can have a unique URL for each route.