

#SantaTracker Seattle Chicago New York Portland London Paris

Showcase Santa’s real-time location to your community as he parades through the streets waving to the children and spreading holiday cheer.

Utilizing Glympse Premium Tags, fire departments, city leaders, and community organizations can create a custom Santa experience enabling all to remain informed about his itinerary and designated meet/greet time. 

Read more about Glympse Premium Tags in our blog.

Bring the spirit of Santa's route to life. Download Glympse and create your unique premium tag experience.

Why Glympse Santa Tracker Experience?

  • Perfect for parades, Santa caravans, local festivals, and events.
  • Your community residents simply tap a link to track Santa – no app is needed on their end.
  • Personalize Santa Tracker with customizable Santa avatars, colors, images, logos, messages, and more.
  • No need for young children to endure the cold while anticipating Santa’s parade appearance. Parents can monitor his route and ensure a timely presence just as Santa approaches.
  • Is Santa appearing at your event or festival? Give him the freedom to walk around and engage with more people, knowing that everyone can easily find him on Glympse.

View Our Tutorial Videos

We have created tutorial videosblogs and FAQ documents to help you get started today. Glympse Premium Tags are just $99/year, paid through the App Store. 

Customize Logos, Colors, and Avatars

Make the experience uniquely yours by adding a unique logo, custom colors and even personalizing avatars or choose from our library.

Add Personal Messages from Santa

Delight children and families by including personalized messages from Santa himself! 

Predetermine up to 7 routes

Plan Santa’s journey in advance by defining up to 7 routes. Tailor the path to include desired neighborhoods, landmarks, or popular areas. 

Unique Glympse Premium Tag Name

Define and keep a unique Glympse Premium tag name that perfectly represents your community or event.

Coming in October 2023

Stay up to date on Santa Tracker and the official launch date.

Sign up for Santa Tracker news and updates.

How do I set up a Glympse Premium Tag for my upcoming event?

Download Glympse (iOS or Android) and create a Glympse account.

At the bottom of the navigation panel, tap the 'G' button and then 'Select a Public tag'.

Choose "Premium Tag" and enter the name for your premium tag, such as SantaTracker<YourCity> or <YourCity>Santa

After verification, you'll be redirected for mobile payment processing.

Once the purchase is made, you can customize your Santa tracking experience.

You'll be given a link to share with the public. Anyone who clicks on the link will see your Santa's real-time location during your event, with or without downloading the Glympse app.

Santa Tracker FAQs

What are Glympse Premium Tags?

Glympse Premium Tags is our extension of our Consumer App. Glympse Premium Tags provides customization options that allow you to personalize the Glympse Tag experience. You can create a one-of-a-kind experience by customizing logos, colors, and other branding elements. Premium Tags is all about customization and adding extra value to the Glympse experience.

How much Does a Glympse Premium Tag Cost?

For the organization or business creating the Santa account, there is a $99 yearly fee that’s automatically renewed after one year to ensure you have a specific name that stays with your organization year after year.

Note: For your community residents, tracking Santa's location is completely free for them to view. Anyone who clicks on the link will see your Santa’s real-time location for the event — with or without downloading the Glympse app.

How Do I Purchase a Glympse Premium Tag?

  1. Download our Glympse Consumer app from the App Store or Google Play Store
  2. Open the app and create a Glympse account by providing a valid email address and follow the on screen instructions.
  3. Press the “G” symbol at the bottom of the screen
  4. In the pop up window, press “Purchase Premium Tag”
  5. Enter the desired name for your tag and press 'Check Availability' to see if your Tag Name hasn’t already been taken.
  6. If the tag name is available, scroll down and press continue to pay.
  7. Your payment will be processed by Apple Store or Google Play.
  8. Once payment is confirmed, congratulations! You have created your Premium Tag.
  9. You will have the option to configure your new tag right away by pressing ‘Configure your tag’ or configure it later and return to your main map.

How Do I Download an Invoice?

We understand that your organization might need an invoice for their records. Because payments for Glympse Premium Tags are made through the App Store, you will need to retrieve this from the App Store; not from Glympse. To retrieve your invoice from the Apple App Store, please see here. To retrieve from the Google Play Store, please see here.

Does the Public Have to Pay to Track Santa at my Event?

No, using Glympse as a member of the public is completely free. Anyone who clicks on the link will see your Santa’s real-time location for the event — with or without downloading the Glympse app.

What Elements can I Customize with in my Santa Tracker?

  • Header logo and color
  • Santa avatar (if an avatar is defined for the tag, all members sharing the tag will be displayed with the same avatar)
  • Tag specific Username (If a username is defined for the tag, all members sharing the tag will be displayed with the same name.)
  • Up to 3 custom colors for the user interface
  • Header logo and link for more information: Members of the public will see a logo in the header. Tapping on it will bring them to a separate tab with event details, reminders, or directions you’d like to add.
  • Routes: Set up to 7 routes for Santa’s journey and assign him the route appropriate for that day or event. This allows you to guide people to designated locations, ensuring they know where to meet Santa on different days.
  • Messages: Add a special message from Santa to make the experience even more magical and personalized. (Only 1 message is allowed)
  • Ad Banner and Link:  Members of the public will view a banner in the map's footer. Tapping on it will take them to a separate tab specified in the link.

How do I Share Glympse with my Community?

Glympse creates a link specific to your Santa and your event. Share it broadly with your community by posting it to your website, sending on social media, emailing to others, turning it into a QR code, and more. Anyone who clicks on the link will see your Santa’s real-time location for the event — with or without downloading the Glympse app.

How can I Protect Who Publishes Santa’s Location?

Create a password associated with your Glympse Premium Tag and only give the password to those allowed to publish Santa’s location. If the tag is password protected, the password will be required to share to the tag.

Could I use This for Other Holidays or Special Events?

Yes! The same Glympse technology can be used for any holiday or special events where location-sharing makes the event easier and more delightful for everyone.

How Accurate is the Location and Tracking?

Glympse is a worldwide, award-winning, uber-like location technology company. The public will see real-time updates in an easy user interface with highly accurate location data.

Where Can I Find More Answers to my Questions about Glympse Premium Tags?

We have created tutorial videos, blogs and FAQ documents to help you with all of your questions on using Glympse Premium Tags. We believe you will find answers to all of your questions on how to use, share and create.